
 Malibu Film Festival
"Lonely" |
Backyard Productions
director Kevin Smith and freelance creative director Josh
Caplan -- who brought us the hilarious Yard Fitness "Naked
Man" campaign a few years ago -- have teamed up again for a
series of promos for next month's Malibu Film Festival. The
premise of the campaign is that "independent film can't
survive in Hollywood," a point driven home by scenes of people
dressed up like film reels -- courtesy of Hollywood's
Anatomorphex -- facing the unforgiving side of Tinsel Town.
In one, we see reel-people giving a street performance that
fails to win over the crowd, while another shows reels reduced
to homelessness. In the best spot, a reel strolls down the
sidewalk, Joe Buck-style, to the theme song from Midnight
Cowboy as a passing motorist tells him to get out of